Erik Froese is a software engineer and writer from Melbourne, Australia. He has a doppelganger from New York, who has the same name and is perhaps a better programmer.

Not sure why you’re still here, but you’re probably either my mom or a recruiter. Mom, things are good. Thanks for checking in. Recruiter, other Erik lives in Brooklyn.

If you’ve gotten to this paragraph, well done. I’m guessing you’re older because nobody reads this much anymore. I like reading too. For a long time, I was employed as a long-form magazine writer.

“A writer!” I hear you say? “Didn’t you just change from third-person to first-person in the space of 60 words?” Good catch. I said I was a writer, not an editor. For what it's worth, I have been nominated for a few writing awards. Check out my LinkedIn account for more. Or don’t.

Then I became a programmer, and now you’re like, “That makes no sense”. I’ll tell you what makes no sense: pessimism. I'm open to new things and I like learning. I was a straight(-ish)-A, university-level math and physics student. I'm into science and philosophy and technology, and it all goes together like pecan pie, which is an underrated dessert.

As far as programming is concerned, I work full-stack and understand infrastructure, both cloud and on-premise. I write JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, Python, Elixer, some C, whatever you got. I have years of experience with front-end frameworks including React, Angular, and Ember (gasp!). Look, I'm no Alan Turing, but I call myself a professional and I think people like working with me.

Okay, well. Bye.